Monday, January 9, 2012

Op Shop Goodies, Freebies & a Finished Backyard Project

Iron Garden Gates - Free. Great for climbing fragrant roses - bolted to an arbour / fence or resting decoratively at the bottom of the garden. I sound like a freeloader, but two of these matching gates with flaky green paint were waiting for me to cart away: thank you to the friendly renovator in Brown Str.

Yaay, finally a finished project. My lawn bowls bench seat: painted apple green, cream & red: an ongoing project that began in Feb last year. I rarely finish a coffee these days, so finishing this bench is miraculous. Thank goodness for hubby's holidays - the only reason my bench seat made it to the finish line.

A doona cover of bright, cheerful blooms & an orange enamel reading light from local op shop. A long photo of the bed won't upload - disappointing - I made a big effort to make the bed beautifully.

If only the child who sleeps in this bed would wake up bright & cheery.

1 comment:

  1. Liz,
    I was told about your blog by your beautiful sister, Sally. It is gorgeous and inspirational...LOVE the street stall.
    Kristin from mamacino x
